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April 4, 2025 to April 6, 2025


WHEN: April 4-6, 2025 for those who are camping all weekend. The main event is on Saturday April 5 for those who are not going to stay onsite. Virginia Beach's Wonderland Band will be performing our HOPE FULL CONCERT on Saturday, April 5 at 6PM. 

WHAT: A weekend (or day) or camping, camp fires, food, family friendly activities, silent auction, raffles, music and fun!

WHERE: Holiday TRAV-L Campground in Virginia Beach, VA. Sites are not available yet – stay tuned!

WHO: You, and you, and you and you! Everyone! RV’ers, campers, those who want to stay in cabins, and even those who want to stop just for Saturday’s festivities and concert!  

COST? Tickets will be available for weekend campers and day campers. Holiday Trav-L Park will be offering discounted rates for HOPE FULL guests who will be camping! Costs vary for sites depending on the type you are staying on. 

IF YOU ARE A CAREGIVER of medically complex/disabled child/ren , this year we have an assistance program available to families who want to come but maybe it’s too tight for your budget. Please send an email to

VOLUNTEER DISCOUNTS:  Do you want to save some money and be a camp volunteer? We need volunteers! Email us now to tell us that you want to be on the volunteer list for next year!


Check out the Camp Hope Full website here for more information!